I’m just back from Thailand, and although spring finally hit Germany, I’m already missing my little island, driving scooters, reading in a hammock and having banana pancakes and iced coffee at the beach. We enjoyed the last couple of days of our trip, even though we had some little incidents and left on Thursday for not one but two nights in Bangkok. Two days were barely enough to get a first impression of this gigantic city, but I hope to get back someday. For now, what I won’t miss is rice and anything else that comes with it. First act back home: Pizza.
(As the WiFi thingy of my Macbook broke last week (and the harddrive makes some scary noises since today), I don’t know when I’ll be able to post more, but stay tuned!)
ich bin schon seit 2 jahren nicht mehr in asien gewesen und vermisse immernoch sticky reis mit mangos.. den thai eistee (deswg JEDEN warmen tag ein selfmade-MUSS ;)) .. ich vermisse die street food wagen …. ach jaaa da ist mein fernweh schon wieder entfacht 🙂
wollte ansich im okt wieder für 3 monate hin, aber das leben plant manchmal ohne einen selbst 🙂