So. ITB week is finally over and today is the first day I can walk and talk again. This have been some exhausting few days really. Running from one appointment to the other, speeddating, networking and pitching to PR and industry people. Where’s hall 25 again? Is this the shuttle to hall 6? Where’s the TweetUp? What time do we meet at hall 18? Fooood? I’m glad its over and happy I made so many good contacts, met dear friends and had some really inspiring chats with international bloggers. Other than that me and the other members of Reiseblogger Kollektiv had a panel talk which was quite successful and brought up some interesting questions, our campaign with the German National Tourism Board kicked off and we did a photoshoot with Kerstin.
Next year I might book 3 days of spa after ITB, who’s in?
3 days of Spa after ITB? I AM IN aber sowas von! <3
Wenn ich nächstes Jahr zur ITB fahre, mach ich mit beim Erholungsurlaub. Ob ich den nach der rp13 auch schon brauche?
Die Republica ist Entspannungsurlaub gegen die ITB 😉 Bleibst du nach der RP13 noch ein paar Tage in Berlin? Werd vermutlich zu der Zeit woanders sein.
Can I just come for the spa? ITB sounds scary. x